Second morning in a place that compared to our sweet, soft, cosy beds feels middle of nowhere. We know it is not, because we got dow. In the first place that felt like "oh, finally out of Sigulda. Sigulda turned out to be way longer town than we thought. But at the end of it we agreed that it is our poor feet who think it is misery and not us.
The yesterday in general was more than OK. We got to the conclusion that our bodies start understanding what is going on. It seems like strategy to take a ret every hour or hour and half pays off. Also, friendly car drivers give quite a mental boost. Especially one lady, who stopped at us when we were walking on the opposite side of road (so she looked like going to Riga) and said that she is actually going in the direction we need nust she felt sorry for us so she turned around to co e back and offer us a lift. We explained that this is probably only time in our lives when we refuse such offer.
Walking along the roadway during the hottest hours of he day we wre still trying to figure out how to decrease our time in the sun. There was an idea to move walking time to night and bave a midday sleep in the noon but yesterday evening showed it will not really work.
We probably became quite an entertainment for waiters in "Pie Brāļa", an eating place on our way, because we bet that they had not see. Yet people being so enormously happy to see their glasses of cold kvass coming and then have the same reaction for each spoon of the excelllent cold soup. Oh well, let them have their fun too.
A good decision even if took additional two kilometres (that we have started to really count), was visit to Gauja at Rāmnieki. The feet and legs were so amazed by the coldness of the water that after soaking for an hour or so they pretended to be fresh and new and even walkable.
In general, we are having an awesome lesson in anatomy. We might not know the names of the muscles, but we certainly know where they are and in how many different ways thy can hurt alone and together. We also have learnt to accept and love our blisters. We probably would even name them but they do not stay long enough.
The main message is the same as yesterday - we are alive and we are not coming back yet.
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